Saturday, March 29, 2008
FUCK it..
didnt slept well last night..
and for now..
soggy eyes..
bloody headache..
damn running nose..
and fucking sleepy..
hate this kind of feeling..
nth seemed right..
felt so useless..
peeped into my wallet..
i wanna be PROSPEROUS!
i wanna save up!!
but dunno y..
no matter how much i earn or save,
money seemed to fly..
the knock on my head i getting worst..
so painful..
it's not those norm bruise pain..
it hurts 2x
and with the "sour sour" feel..
iloveyou❤ at 12:45 PM
已深深爱上你 真的很简单
没有后悔 为爱日夜去跟随
那个疯狂的人是我 喔~
I LOVE YOU 无法不爱着你 BABY 说你也爱我
I LOVE YOU 永远不愿意 BABY 失去你
不可能更快乐 只要能在一起 做什么都可以
虽然世界变个不停 用最真诚的心 让爱变的简单
没有后悔 为爱日夜去跟随
那个疯狂的人是我 喔~
I LOVE YOU 我一直在这里 一直在爱你
I LOVE YOU(yes I do) 永远都不放弃 这爱的权利
如果你还有一些困惑 Oh No 请贴着我的心倾听
听我说着爱你(yes I do)我爱你
yes i love you dear
i just wanna stay with you forever
i promise i'll be there whenever you need me

pinch pinch! <3>
bleah =D
too bad i cant sing..
if not i'll solo this song during our wedding..
iloveyou❤ at 1:06 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
got a knock on my head
and dear got a sprain on her ankle =(
head pain, heart ache.. argh!!
went down to bishan juction 8 to pick dear up after her sports carnival
met up with a few of her friend
nice peeps =)
the lengendary
KAWAIYAN wasnt on full attendance..
haha.. so i guess it's less sickening =P
stars are always so magnificent at dear's place
saw auntie and uncle on the way!
thanks to our quick response we managed to getaway!
hexhex XD
dear you must be careful of your movement ok?
dont move around unneccessarily
and try not to flex the muscles around your ankle!
i'll pray for your divine healing! =D
it aches so much to see you biting under your teeth..
you gotta improve your chinese oral too!!
love ya!!
enjoy every moment helping out my mom since her assist. fell ill
it's really nice to work there
tiring though
but good pay!
smiles :D
iloveyou❤ at 11:37 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
ystd dear came to my house after service
had lotsa fun together =D
we went to the market with mom
and then had dinner with the rest of the family at boon tong kee
dear didnt took her phone
so we exchanged!! haha..
nokia is still triumph when it comes to sms
love you dear!!
she said my face was yuanyuan when i'm asleep.. =.=
iloveyou❤ at 9:59 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
is it wrong to worry that your girl at will drown when the winds start howling?
is it wrong to be a prophet wanting every situation to be informed first hand?
is it wrong to expect a sms?
yes it's wrong..
my tempermy attitudemy disrespectand most importantly, i care too much..
iloveyou❤ at 6:31 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
you bloody forget..
forget it..
are you so damn desperate?
iloveyou❤ at 9:33 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
always fucking get maligned
bloody muthafucka..
iloveyou❤ at 12:04 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Why should I get involved in the church when I see so much hypocrisy and selfish behavior in people who attend?
Selfishness, hypocrisy, and other "people problems" in church can be discouraging. But selfishness and hypocrisy shouldn't drive us away from church involvement. Rather, it should make us aware of how much we all need it!
As children, we grow up in a world governed by adult authority figures who appear all-knowing, just, and wise. But as we approach adulthood, we learn how flawed and imperfect adult authority is. This awareness creates disillusionment, some of it painful. Disillusionment often turns into rebellion. As teenagers, most of us rebel to one degree or another against adults we perceive as arbitrary and unloving.
If we are fortunate enough to have loving parents, we are encouraged to "work through" our rebellion and anger. As we gradually mature into adulthood, we become aware of our own imperfections and conflicting ideals. This awareness of our own imperfection usually has the effect of humbling us, making us more realistic, and changing our rebellion into understanding and forgiveness.
Organizations, whether secular or religious, are made up of imperfect people. As adults we sometimes continue to expect perfection from organizations long after we have stopped expecting it from other individuals or ourselves. But just as teenagers grow into adults,Christians mature in their relationship with Christ. As we mature, we begin to discover how much we owe to God's grace and how little we earn through our own efforts. This makes it easier to see how God is able to use His church, which, like us, can serve as an instrument of divine grace in spite of imperfection and sin.
Sinful individuals or a sinful church can't produce lasting effects for the kingdom of God, but the power of God's Spirit working through them can! (
2 Corinthians 4:7 ). As Jesus said, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance" (
Mark 2:15-17 ). If we were all perfect we wouldn't need the church. It is our imperfection that calls for the purifying process of membership in the body of Christ. Our mission is to love each other (
1 Peter 4:8 ) in such a way that we gain the spiritual strength that can only be developed in union with other believers (
Ephesians 4:14-16 ).
We shouldn't overlook the hypocrisy and problems that exist in the church. We need to do what we can to confront and deal with them in loving ways. The apostle Paul was probably as aware of hypocrisy and imperfection within the church as anyone who ever lived, yet he wrote:
Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load (Galatians 6:2-5).
Dan Vander Lugt
iloveyou❤ at 10:35 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
wah damn...FUCKING pissed off dammit..i'm not a bloody damned slave..
i've got more important things to do..
and if you're not concerned abt my bloody damn future,
i fucking care..
and who do you think you are to swear?
bloody muthafucka
watch over your own damn foul offsprings before they rot
and today end up tuition cancelled..
better luck next time..
i'm pissed......
don provoke me these few days...
iloveyou❤ at 10:58 PM
Thursday, March 6, 2008
i really dunno how should i face you..
things have indeed change..
a cut that is so deep to heal..
a feeling that is so complicated to understand..
a pain that is so hard to bear..
a future that is too glimpse to see..
the situation has radically turned sour and akward..
and i'm not the one who added the taste..
if moving on together isnt what you want,
then let's call it quit..
i'll throw in the towel
iloveyou❤ at 4:54 PM
had diner with family ystd
together with cuz and her family
to celebrate grandma's birthday =D
dine at bedok's coffee shop.. wasnt quite appetizing..
but nvm..
grandma's birthday ma =D
oh ya.. dad wore his tshirt invertedly.. haha
so funny..
these few days things have been happening again..
and i'm in a dilemma..
i wasnt being
sensitive or angry or whatever,
it's just something that i expect..
yup, it's just an expectation..
but who doesnt know that expectation bound to fail sometimes..
and when it happens, you'll tend to be emotional..
and when emotion changes, it's not that you're being
sensitive or angry or etc..
it just happens..
sorry anyway..
maybe i should be the one telling you that i'm ready..
cos when you're with me
i hurt you,i make you cry,i provoked you,i dont live up to your expectation,i break your heart..are these process of happiness?
are these difficulties you have to overcome when you wanna build a home with someone?
i'll perservere..
i promise..
i love you still..
面对自我 矛盾难过
无助脆弱 弥漫疑惑 泪水滑落
我曾说过 我想自由
成全只是 你的借口 我不愿懂
我想自由 不想放手
就算一切 无法改变 还是会承受
我想自由 不想分手
你选择走 放我的手
希望离开以后 自由
iloveyou❤ at 2:23 PM
Saturday, March 1, 2008
what a tiring day..
maybe i'm just too weak..
had a bad headache at the end of the day..
freaking pain..
went out with dear before coming to church today
haha.. it was so much fun as always!
i really love the time together!
ever since the day our hearts collided,
happiness have been following closely behind us
i'll cherish you with my life! =D
and as everyday goes by,
the more i realized that i cant go on without you...
ILOVEYOUkinda confused about my tertiary education..
will be making deep consideration about whether to go ITE and retake o together
or simply just retake o..
it'll be a waste of gold and time if i go ite..
damn... this cute lil blog of mine has been leaked..
'cause i left my url on someone's tagboard!!!
argh..! stupid me..
who cares anyway..
read all you(all) want and think what you(all) want..
my mouth
my thoughts
my happiness
my dilemma
my world
my life
not happy?
SCRAM~!no choice.. i'm this practical..
because this is a pratical blog =D
iloveyou❤ at 1:23 AM