Thursday, February 28, 2008
iloveyou❤ at 6:28 PM
these few days have not been right..
dunno why.. just don feel right..
but one thing that made me headache was..
quarrels after quarrels..'s not getting us anywhere..
and i don understand why..
my temper+her attitude=hell
what to do?
i really don know..
all i wan is just to continue and move on..
and not harbouring into the past mistakes..
that's all..
why cant we just compromise on something that'll work out?
instead of condemning each other to our mistakes..
and i realized that dear is just so weak..
sickness after sickness..
please.. take care of yourself..
it aches to see you being like this everytime..
sorry... i love you..
iloveyou❤ at 5:08 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

that's it...
it's over...
iloveyou❤ at 3:59 PM
那时候 我们才相遇
爱你第一个原因 就是你的安静
虽然你像一朵云 飞出了我的记忆
我思念着段过去 没有人可以代替
别管我 了不了解 永远这一个谜语
从今天到以后 我心中有你
iloveyou❤ at 1:51 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
=.=.. i'm finally back to blogging again..i'm super lazy these days..
came back from hk a few days ago..
it was heavenly fun!
really missed it alot..
gotta know a lot of stuffs..
lazy to upload pictures..
wanna know more pls come and find me.. =D
these few days many things have been happening..
good vs bad.. and i'm sad to say that bad things triumph..
hmmm but still praise God ya?
being on the cross alone is enough for me to praise Him forever!
He still reign over the earth =D
have been rather into the Word lately..
CHC service is always so convicting!
GOD used us singaporeans(chc), who's the most afraid of losing face,
to preach abt cultural mandate, kristos kai cosmos
to engage the world and be impactful..
from there we will move to strength to strenght and glory to glory!
yes.. i'm from that chc's cultural mandate generation..
all the way!
these few days..
bad bad bad...
nth seemed right..
but i'm not gonna expect God to put me in this situation forever..
everyone seemed to have their
own troubles...
own problems..own understanding..own situation..own worldown lifeown dilemmaown voicewhere's mine? =D
who'll understand?
i don care.. i have God..
so wat if nobody cares?
God cares..
and when He cares,
why do i care abt ppls who don care?
Everything must change
There's a mirror showing me the ugly truth
These bones they ache with holy firebut i've got nothing to give, just a life to liveif your world is without colouri will carry you.. if you carry meEvery little thing's gonna be alrightEvery little thing's gonna be alrightThere's no one else to blameI live my life between the fire and the flameI've build my house where the ocean meets the landIt's time to live again, pull my dreams out of the sandLet your world be full of colour I will carry you, if you carry meEvery little thing's gonna be alrightEvery little thing's gonna be alrightWhen it's all falling down on youYou're crying out but you're breaking into twoWhen it's all crashing down on youWhen there's nothing you can doThere is someone who will carry you
iloveyou❤ at 11:40 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
bloody damn flu again..
i need the divine healing power of Christ!
it's damn itchy and bloody irritating..
i wanna go for an operation to cut off that 2 pieces of meat obstructing my nostrils..
but ppl say it'll grow back?
i was feeling so unwell in the morning..
my body was perspiring all over and yet it felt so cold..
thank God i'm fine now.. just cant close the floodgate of mucus from my nose..
it's disgusting i know.. that's y i'm using tissues as cork to shut the damn nostrils..
will be going to hk for 5 days from sat 16th..
kinda excited about it =D
looking forward to glance how dear's life used to be =D
it'll be fun!
have a whole day tour to disneyland and ocean park!
oh ya! let's pray that i'll see the koala bear somewhere..
iloveyou❤ at 9:51 PM
Monday, February 11, 2008
wow.. i guess CNY was a long break for me..
peaceful.. but totally ENJOYABLE!!!!!
i really enjoyed the times together with my families..
laughing and joking away..
one thing i like about my families is that,
we don only get to see each other on festive seasons
it's only the festive seasons that brings our joy to the climax!
on the eve,
we went to have reunion dinner at ah ma's hse(like any other ppl)
then we proceed to our aunt house to 跨年
haha it was pure enjoyment.
oh btw,
for anyone who doesnt know this,
it's our chinese tradtion where the longer we children stay awake on the eve,
the longer our parent get to live!
i'm kiasu and i slept at 4 =D
nth much to talk about actually.. we visit our relatives hse to hse.
had couples of round of blackjack and daidee..
today was special..
dear came down to my hse
(with the tough invitation from my mom, dad, aunt and of cuz me)
, along with all my families members!
it was exhilerating-ly entertaining! the atmosphere didnt turn out to be awkard,
but each and everyone of us still talk and joke ard!
it's never boring with my aunts crapping those damn bloody funny jokes..
and how they argue with each other..
normally for our families, we stop the visitation on the 3rd day.. but because the 3rd lies on a saturday,
so it went on..
we visited our ah ma's hse again.. at 1st i was planning a date with dear after the visitation..
who knows? on the 2nd day after our hse visitation, ah ma called me to bring dear down along.. woot~ i was so shookingly astonished! so today dear came along and joined in the fun! we hang ard for awhile then leave for cine to find her cuz and fren..
(damn.. the church peepsnot friendsalways disrupt my fun family time with doubts and irritating phone calls)
guess wat? we went to eat 新旺香港茶餐厅
was rather awkard in the beginning..
it's hk style..
i think it's not much from the ambience..
but the ppl surrouding me..
her cuz and friends were so high as though as their overdozed with estacy..
they're scary man!
but they're bunch of funny ppl..
good friends too =D
these are some of the pictures we took

wat creativity they have! i was forced.. haha.. dear's bleah
haha.. ultra-man?
<3 fighting to scoop bean curd
fighting to scoop beancurd pt 2.. i like this one!
swweeeet~ isnt it? hahs
i had no more pose to show =(
dear, jasmin, me
dear and i, together with alice and jasmin
after all the fun, went down to watch CJ7 with my family.
it was not much of a storyline.. but rather those film where you watch and laugh all the way..
i guess stephen chow's movies are all like that..
i'm impressed by the acting skills of the lil boy
went to have sakura at safra with some of my aunt and cuz.
sakura nv disappoint my craving..
went out with dear at 4..
before that i tot of altering my jean at bedok.. but it was closed..
dear was so funny today,
we were looking at some cam..
then when she reach for it,
LOL!! there was a piece of glass she didnt see..
her reaction was super cute!
these few days i've realised that i'm indeed a very blessed boy..
with dear
and such peaceful and joyable familes.. =D
and now, it's completed.. everyone gotta know dear..
we're a family now =D
to me, that's more than enough..
God+dear+families=happiness for the rest of my life
iloveyou❤ at 8:48 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
last sunday i went to chc for service..
which i'm prepared to hear the message, get the annointing, and depart to a happier and a place that both dear and i can excel..
who knows? God told us to ENDURE..
on the way to chc, it feels so great for the both of us to be excited for God again..which we cant, in shc..
i was really excited abt the P&W session and the word..
i told dear something ironic.. the latecomers are already 3x our attendance..
this is how the word goes:
Pst tan quoted a verse from Hebrews 10:35-36..
it says how our endurance keep us through the times..
Fortitude - Strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage.
Faith, Forgiveness is never complete without Fortitude(endurance)
2cor 6:4
2tim 3:10
our faith is something that God sees more precious than gold, the bible says..
if gold is something we walk on in heaven everyday.. wat more is our faith to God?
and how will God judge our faith?
it's by the faith to believe in Him during trials and tribulation..
here's wat the judgement is based on.. Romans 12:3, 1Peter 1:7

hope this diagram will help you.
Pst tan gave us an acronym that is very much easy for us to rmb.. ENDURE.
let us start with E
E - embrace God's purpose in your situation! (related verses: james 1:3-4, roman 5:3-4) knowing that patience make us a perfect person and how it develops our character, we must always know wat is the purpose of God allowing us to go through the trials. The only way to test of faith, is through trials.. when we are in trouble, we look straight into the purpose, and believe that God is bigger! gradually you'll find the problems smaller.. not vice versa!
N - nurture your spiritual roots! (related verses: luke 4:16, luke 8:15, romans 15:4)
our spiritual roots refers how much we knows about God.. and we can only know him more through His word.. good fruits will only grow if the seeds land on good soil.. which is same for our heart.. how much we know abt God is how deep His word is rooted in our heart.. always look to Jesus as an example.
D - direct your attention to Jesus Christ! (related verses: hebrews 12:2)
Jesus is the author of our faith. which means that how, why, what are we going through in tough times, He knows it all. why? simply becos He was also tempted just like anyone of us.. but never sin.. therefore He clearly knows how are we feeling, and will always have a way to lead us through.. and how did He breakthrough from temptation? is from the word of God as well.
Look at the world, you'll be distress.. look at yourself, you'll be depressed.. look at Jesus? you'll be at rest!! AMEN!
U - use you experience to help others! (related verses: 2corinthians 1:6, 2 timothy 2:10)
why is God allowing us to go through pains? it's simply because we can only understand how people feels if you've gone through what they go through.. how do you comfort without being comforted? just like Jesus, how can he understand temptation without being tempted himself?
R - rely on God's power! (related verses: colossians 1:11, romans 12:12)
God didnt want use to rely on our own strength when facing troubles.. and we all know that with the sinful nature in us, we're nothing without God.. and God wants us to rely on him during tough times, so that His power can be glorified! and you'll see how true God is! it's like when you are lost in a jungle, you dont navigate by how u recognize the trees, how your gut feelings tells you, you rely on the compass! and even if the compass points this way, you don say i wanna go that way.. you know you're wrong! it's the same for God, rely on Him and go straight back to the word of God.
E - expect God to bless you! (related verses: james 1:12, james 5:11)
God who is merciful and gracious, will not expect to let us be in the tough situation forever. take the example of job. he lost everything within a night, even his wife force him to just curse God and die. but he persevered and was rewared 2x! if we are faithful with little things, only then God will trust us with bigger things!
so friends, whatever we're going through right now, God knows.. only if you persevere, then your journey with God will be fruitful. God has promised us the crown of life if we endure! nothing is too much for us to bear, God who is faithful, will only allows temptation we can bear. Jesus also said Himself that everything will be according to our faith. Hebrews 10:32
(pst tan mentioned the full detail.. i don rmb)
there was an athlete who took part in a marathon..
he was seriously injured halfway during the race.. but he endured..
after 2 hours the other participant finished, the crowd saw him limping all the way to the finish line.. he even parade the stadium after that..
a reporter went up to him and asked, "why did you still continue knowing you wont win?"
he replied,"my country didnt send me seven thousand miles to take part in the race.. they sent me to finish the race.."
same theory for God.. He saved and redeemed us.. not to let use enter the race, but to finish it.
remember the parables of the sower?
it's not that 1/4 of the people are stony hearted, not 1/4 of them are without depth, not 1/4 them that are thorny hearted, not 1/4 of them that are good hearted..
it's just a stages of life, for examples
when you were kid, u had some friends, teachers who were christians and they told you abt angels and heaven, and you seemed to be laughing and absurd-ed?
or during teens where you heard christians music which you think was like rock and roll genre which you just happen to like and that's it?
or when you're married, and working so hard for family, people come sharing christ and you said you would've believed.. just that you are too busy with work and family?
and finally one day you yourself was at church and started to experience and feel the presence of God!
isnt all this familiar? it is for me too. it's all abt the relfect of personal life..
let us always endure hardship and reign with God!! as He has promised us!!
for the both of us, it's just like what bro robbie said.. don pursue the matter deeper.. we started this relationship secretly.. it's the sinful nature of people that thinks bad abt us for what we caused.. and we will stand up strong again.. and tell the authority that we're serious about together. we want to grow up in the fear of the Lord, be accountable to God himself, the authority and bring everything under the light! so that the devil will not have anything to accuse us anymore! i'm sure we'll be so bless by then! Amen!
i love you dear! just hang on and we'll have a breakthrough! thank God for all the rhema words that He have given the both of us =D
iloveyou❤ at 1:18 AM
alright.. the spirit of laziness has departed me..
and i'm here to post again.. =.=
many things happened actually.. i guess tat's y i'm so lazy to post..
lot's of ****ing things happened.. all of them are abt church stuffs..
before i start bombarding, let us pray, "Father i'm sorry that i'm here complaining about
all the stuffs.. i pray that you'll forgive me.. this is the only place i can vent all my angers.. Amen"
ok let's rocknroll..
i really don understand how the brains of the church peeps functions..
erm.. alright not all of them.. i know how mine function..
"leaders" perhaps..
cos even songs like heart of worship they can sing from "all is STRIPPED away" to " all is STRAPPED away" ironic ya?
there's so much things i disklike abt church.. it's been so long and i can continue writing for millenium..
so i'll just start with the recent two..
1) I was told to back off for ministry and told to come for prayers weekly 1st..
that was already ****ed up enuff..2) They had this cg outing where they planned for dinner and pool after that..
i didnt wan to go to the outing as i don like the peeps and the crowd.. it's bloody damn lame to hang out with idiots.. also, as planned to go home early as well as it was js's birthday..
and initially, i also have tots to accompany dear to
classique.. and i dunno how the **** the ppl can say that i didnt attend the cg outing cos i wanna go out with dear.. damn.. why would i choose sat? instead of sunday where i can do watever i like?
i was called to go down to bugis last min with js
God knows where she is..
and i know how anxious i am..
i'll die if mom called and i'm alone..
on my way there, martin called me.. he asked me why didnt i turn up for prayer on friday..
i told him i need to wait for my mom as she was with relative and they plan to celebrate js's birthday.. and immediately he intercepted.. "oh really? js said u left home at 4.." then in my heart i tot.. mati liao.. i was with jenny? NO WAY!!!!!! i was really at home.. and dear was feeling unwell too.. wtf is going on? y did js said something like this?(don worry, i've already forgiven you =D peace)
i then bloody
chao gan臭骂him.. wtf?
did they accuse me with jenny?
he didnt call to say, "ky, u know js said u left at 4.. wat happened?"
cb.. he called to confront and is literally pushing me to a corner..
and later he give excuses and said he didnt know my reason..
c'mon, already told c**s**l that i wont be coming and y at 4..
after that ben called and said i'm not in children church ministry
follow by c**s**l.. she said i don have to come for prayers..
pastor also took part of the childish game..
hmmm.. i really wanted to go to chc with dear.. i swear i really wanna..
but bcos of God's rhema through pst meng, bro robbie and pst tan.. i
ENDURE..i'll share wat pst tan preach on the next post shortly.. and be prepared to be awed by how accurate it is when God speaks..
to be continued.....
iloveyou❤ at 12:03 AM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
haha.. i lent dear my psp home..
she's so cute when she play..
haha.. i love you so much =D
iloveyou❤ at 1:24 AM
Friday, February 1, 2008
today i woke up with a dream!
a dream of God ministering to me..
i was in church service.. and it's during worship..
the song was
fall by hillsong.. and it was so annointed..
i felt the presence of the Lord and i wept and wept like a baby..
it was so touching.. God told me He understood my feelings..
He told me that the world has troubles, but in Him i may find peace, take heart, for He has overcome the world..
AMENthe 3 people i captured in my dreams was dear, johnson and pastor meng..
dear was also being ministered by the Lord.. she was crying..
hugsjohnson came to asked me how i felt.. if all the crying released my burdens..
hahaand pastor meng smiled to me.. and pointed me a thumb up..
maybe only city harvester acknowlege me?watever it is.. i amazed by the presence of the Lord.. how close, touching, and warmth can it be, even in dreams.. HALLELUJAH!
there's this 2 times i felt this strong presence of God.. one is from this dream.. the other was at W319.. my ex-chc cg..
the atmosphere, environment, friends, loctaion is all different.. and during worship i felt something close.. =D
have you thought y did Jesus said in Him we can find peace while church brings us so many "problems" ?
simple.. it's because Jesus is Godly while church are manly..
so far i've only seen chc that's Godly..chc, here i come!
iloveyou❤ at 1:16 PM