Thursday, January 31, 2008
zzz.. expected..
c**s**l called and told me that the plan was cancelled..
i was told to be commited to the weekly prayer..
wony be thinking too much abt it..
as i'm mentally prepared..
Psalm 146:2-4
2 I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
3 Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.
4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing.
yes indeed, never place hope on man as they are as sinful as us
iloveyou❤ at 9:55 PM
today my spirit and flesh were at war.. my mom told me that she'll like to bring to to have shooping for new year clothes, which i was really excited about.. i knew i had a visitation to be done.. i was hestitaing so hard whether to just give an excuse and go with my mom instead.. until the Lord show me Matt 6:33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.. then i told my mom with conviction that i have a visitation to do..
a step of faith perhaps? haha..
everything went well.. i was sensitive to the Spirit as i told myself i had to before entering the house.. everything was well.. i did 4 main things.
1) i greeted the family and let them know i'm visiting them as a friend and i really missed them
2) i had games with the 3 brothers and it was fun
3) i had a semi-serious chat with the brothers on topic like how they must respect and talk to each other as well as the elders.. ( i noticed that the 3 brothers are rather quarrelsome ) after that i told them about wat are the children church having this saturday and they're really excited to come
4) i prayed for them for their studies and the unity between themselves and i also prayed for jeremy's leg as he told me that it was hurting for him when he runs
home sweet home after that.. nice feeling though, i felt i've done my best for the day =D
iloveyou❤ at 9:29 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
haha! today was super happy..!
i finally met up with dear..!
after so damn long long time.. =(
had a wonderful time with dear, as well as the sannin..(they came at a later time)
we went to hougang to replace dear's ez-link card..
how funny is that they put the top up station and the card replacement office together..
this make both who wanna replace their card and those who wanna top up their card fairly troublesome!!
but thank God the process ended within 30 mins!
but after all, hougang is a rather bad place to hang out..
sorry ya! for peeps for inhabit there.. =p
today post will be cut down.. cos my brain cells are oso "cut" due to the migrains..
iloveyou❤ at 11:40 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHNSON!geez... today was a tiring day.. had a basketball match with the guys..
fun but tiring.. haha..
had a few sip of milk from LKL.. hope it'll make me
damn.. i broke my slippers..
my beloved $4.50 three years slippers..
it's way beyond repair..
haha.. we slacked all the way to 8 after that..
talked abt GUI!!
we were also discussing where to celebrate john's bday..
and i think REDhouse is the best place.. =.="
today dear got a RHEMA!
The Armour of God in eph 6:10since i'm bo liao let's talk abt the 6 armour =D
1)belt of truth - the bible clearly says in John 8:32 know the truth and it shall set us free.
2)breast plate of righteousness - in 2 sam 22:25 God promised to reward us according to our righteousness.
3)shoe of gospel of peace - Jesus said in John 16:33 that though the world have trouble, but in Him we may find peace! why not share this good news to the lost? =D
4)shield of faith - faith pleases God. it also releases the power of God! Mat 17 says we can move mountain if we have faith of mustard seed. it's no wonder why the devil always attack our faith.. without the shield, we're dead..
5)helmet of salvation - salvation is not once and for all.. we must always keep the fine linen cloth on ourselves so that we are always ready..
6)sword of the Spirit (word of God) - WOG is a very powerful weapon against the evil one.. or in fact, it's the only weapon we have as christians. therefore always keep the WOG on our finger tips
the best example is Jesus Himself in luke 4..
He was led into dessert to be tempted..
all the way from chapter 4:3-12
noticed how Jesus used the word of God against the devil(which also used the word of God in logos-tic way)
Jesus Himself didnt relied on His own strength when being tempted..
He let go.. and let God..
so friends, whenever you are facing with troubles, look to Jesus Himself..
Amen!Hebrews 2:18
18Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
iloveyou❤ at 11:34 PM
woo.. i'm back to post..
everything's settled down i guess =D
pass few days have been preparing for world war 3.. hahahaha..
i was in the wrong.. sorry dear =(
i just finished my application for the JAE and JPSAE..
thank God everything was over..
i did my part, the rest i commit unto You..
let Your Kingdom come and Your Will be done!
AMEN!sorry dear, i wasnt able to talk much on the phone just now..was so concentrating.. =Xhad a really wonderful dinner with my family just now =D
dear wasnt here today..
she gotta stay home to study =X
God i pray for abundance wisdom to fall upon JENNY!just like how u blessed king solomonmom said something nice today..
haha! tat means mom already treated dear as a part of us!
DAMN HAPPY!! haha..
while having dinner, i started a topic on how cruel man is..
noticed the way we eat crabs.. they're well and alive initially with 6 legs..
and crabs are usually big..
but because of the cruelty of man,
we crush every bits of their thick shells to canibalize every muscles on their body..
and after that, they're left to bits..
i miss you badly today..without you by my side,my life aint complete
iloveyou❤ at 12:54 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
i got back my O's today..
there was a few emotions i'm feeling right now
contended, disappointed, sad, anxious, worried, vexed..1st of all.. Thank God i'm able to have a poly course..
although the choices are not much..
all thanks to my mathsluckily my english saved me.. if not i'm
i tot i was done for initially.. cos even for ppl who have done relatively well, they get 25 points..
so i thought i was those kind that will score 35+..
thank God he managed to turned the tides..
i wasnt really happy that i know i made it.. just purely contented.. becos i know i could've done better.. if i put in my effort all along..
but i didnt..
however, it's not a time to regret..
learn from my mistakes and move on..
dear, that's why i need your encouragement and support =D
as much as my family's
cos you're part of my family as well..
something that really ache me is that.. not all is able to go to poly..
especially someone who's that close to me..
i really feel so sad..
there's really nothing i can do.. =(
all i can say is that.. it's not the end yet..
God will still be able to turn the bad situation into something good!
the disciples of Jesus wasnt the high flyers.. john and james were quick tempered fishermen, and even matthew, who was so called "rich" tax collector..who was hated by everyone, philip was a guy who never understood spiritual things, thomas the doubter who even said that he will only believe Jesus resurrected after he saw Him, peter was so unstable.. the rest were fearful and proud.. but in the end, the apostles turned the whole roman empire upside down.. that's wat God sees..
even for Jesus himself..
all He had were the 12 disciples in his ministry..
even 1 betrayed Him..
He was being mocked at on the cross of calvary..
but one thing He turned the world upside down was the power of His ressurection..
people didnt look at His past.. but His ressurection..
don give up.. there's always hope =D
dear.. it's going to be your turn soon.. work hard as ever!
i'm so glad you realised the importance of studying hard!
and i know and believed you can do much more better than anyone!
i'm always here to help you!
make the decision that will benefit you!
lastly, when you have problems that you cannot cope with your own strength,
DO SHARE WITH ME! but ultimately,
let go, let God..
He'll lay the path for you =D
John 16:33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."hope this will give you encouragement!
something ironic happened..
a soka guy called me..
i was amazed.. although i've already told them i took up Christianity as a religion, they still have wonderful follow up..
they asked abt my result..
they invited me to their musical.. and said it's not religion.. basically, i can feel their
love and
concern from the bottom of my heart..
i can feel they they're stong! and loving!
like a city harvester..
but it's still not a true god they're worshipping..
as a christian.. why does our follow up still be inferior to them?
think abt it.. =X
iloveyou❤ at 8:51 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
peace =D
joyous moment =D
don friend you =p
serious look.. =p
had a wonderful time with dear today =D
being with you really brighten up my life!
today was so funny.. we had a chat abt our career..
dear said she wanna be an architect, designer, airport staff, etc..
then she told me why not consider abt working in the airport.. eg. pilot.
as my english is quite fluent.. *proud* =p
then i told her being a piltot really needs a strong language..
because you when you are the aircraft captain and when u want a landing,
you tell the communication tower, "he..llo? he..llo? i wan.. to park my plane.."
haha.. she laughed till she dropped on the floor.. =D
super cute!
damn.. it's so bloody true they say $$$ make the world goes round..
or even make the world rounder and rounder.. =.=
i'm left with the last $2..
i will start saving and become a millionaire!!!
no more poverty! =D hexhex
alright.. gonna rest early..
miss you dear =D
iloveyou❤ at 11:35 PM
just had a nice chat with dear..
finally felt better..
or in fact, i'm all well already =D
thx dear!
i love you! and i'll never leave you!tat's my promise to you =Dto be with you till the end of timethat's my desire..friends are important in our journey of life..
there's no doubt that there will be all sorts of friends that will pass by..
be it good or bad, some friends will be eliminated through time.. trust me..
Thank God i've got 2 wonderful brothers..
come to think of it, they're the 2 that i'm willing to die for..
other then dear and my family =Pthat's none other than team
seo yun guan.. LOL..i think we can forget abt being akatsuki.. sannin is enuff..
lol.. sounded so childish.. =.=
they're a great blessing to me..
although johnson is quiet, direct,
sua ku,
hiu lan..
but he's super funny ar.. the ink incident can make me ROFL...
he has a big heart and that's undeniable..
always remembered how he helped me vacuum in church..
and wiping the windows.. and how he don even bother abt other ppl..
LOL.. thanks man =D
lkl's the same..
he appears more sentimental..
but he's nice, caring, and have a super soft hard..
i think a jelly would even tremble to think that there's actually something softer..=.=
wont forget the things u would do for me tat cos u the extra mile!
like how u would come down just for my psp games..
thanks =D
it's amazing how we guys communicate..
a single slight reaction on our face and we knew how each other felt..
and how naturally we handle things together =D
cheers ;D
iloveyou❤ at 1:04 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
chalet was fun anyway..
it was more of a chit-chat session..
unlike those wild one..
haha.. never been to those really
high chalet which i'm really looking forward to
where u can have lots of FUN and play throughout the nights with laughters, joy..
hmmm.. ystd was so funny.. there was this guy that was drunk.. and we bombard him with stupid question..
his father's name
his mom's name
how long was his....
LOLat 1st he said in a drunkard manner that it's not suppose to be revealed.. then after that he scale the length with his fingers..ROFL..there's another thing that made me laugh my head off..this johnson..
forever so sua ku..
in downtown's chalet.. you have to get a stamp on your hand per entry..
for those who visit regularly, you know the stamp's rather interesting..
it stays all DAY and can only be seen by those ultra-violet lighting..
and when johnson got a stamp, he was so stupidly shocked! and he EXCLAIMED to the security guards.. "
hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAthen at night he was so seh when he's playing
dai dee..i wonder how severe his beating would be if he was in a casino..
alright.. i'm down with bad flu.. so bad that whenever i sneeze.. my head hurts..
and my voice has turned will tell that i'm not well immediately after hearing me.. =(
these few days i felt weird too.. rather more to shagg-ness i think..
maybe i'm just too worried abt the o lvl result..
many things happened.. and thoughts keep coming to my mind..
every little thing's gonna be alright..i told you i'm gonna tell you smth after school.. i guess you forgot..i forgot too.. it's nothing much..leave the thinking to me..i'll handle it =D
iloveyou❤ at 10:02 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Geez!! just finished the case study bro robbie gave us..
it was quite a head sore..
judging from how **** up the situation was..
but hey!
God is a sovereign God!
His name is about all troubles, diseases, sickness etc...
simply, His
NAME is above all names!i'm starting to miss those old school days filled with memories..
it's over.. it's now like those old sepia image in my mind..
never again will i have the chance to
di siao teachers,
cha bok from remedials, sleep in class,
keep extra long hairs the spike teachers, and when teachers come chasing after you, you hide in the toilet.. hair was cut in public, stand for whole hour for detention, jump the queue during recess, sleeping in class, talk back at teachers
especially sarbene, bullying those toot toot students.. asking them to sing,hang out with big bunch of friends like nobody business and
MANY MORE!!!i mean.. you dont get to do all these in poly.. people will think that you're nuts or simply someone who escape from the asylum.. or even worst.. ATTENTION SEEKING MORON!
argh.. i'll never want those comment to tag me..still remembered the 1st day in sec 5.. when we were summoned into the principal's office and told to reconsider coming back as we were all borderlined passer..
DAMN!! I was so
gan chiong that i literally told myself to really work hard!!!!!
who knows.................?
i barely played through that year... =.=I SWEAR I DID REALLY TOLD MYSELF THAT I'LL CHANGE OK! ^.^
i guess it's simply how life centers itself.
there's a chinese saying 失去才懂得珍惜..
and i heard this saying:
so peeps out there
cherish your school life!
i know it's hell studying......
only retards find that studying is a taste of heaven....
but it will help in securing a good job in the near future!
iloveyou❤ at 6:32 PM
HAHA! i'm such a fortunate sleeping log! i slept all the ways till 12.30..
until dear called me.. =D
hmmm.. i spent the whole afternoon assembling my bed!..
but the process was stopped becos i broke the support!
DAMN!!!!!!have to get down to IKEA to change.. bloody waste time..
ZZZ~i didnt know assembling 6 chairs can take 1 hour! =.=
today dear told me something tat almost cause myself to blow up!
tat damn bloody female PE teacher mdm LOH (=.=) reprimanded her!
in front of the school! and it's for no particular reason.. just as being prejudice!
and the action that i cannot tolerate was she
PULLED dear's fringe!
i swear i'll tie her hair and hang it behind a lorry.. WAHAHAHA..
there wont be next time.. yes! no next time..
hope dear's okay =Xlove yathis week children church is killing me..
1st. i gotta do the preaching
2nd. i gotta do the bulletin
3rd. i gotta do a visitation(but postponed due to lack of time)
GOD! when i'm
weak, You are
you're my FEET when i cant move on!!woohoo.. rather long post for today.. hexhex =D
gtg prepare myself for church! teaching of John 3:16 today
Dear i miss you.. 我愿意用我的生命来守护你!你是我最珍惜的宝贝!没有了你,我的生命就像大海少了海豚!不能没有你!我❤你!
iloveyou❤ at 5:51 PM
had a damn bad sleep last night..
went to Health Promotion Board with dear for her vaccination..
OOSH!~ heartache ar....
i told the doctor i was her ELDER BROTHER.. and they actually believed! WAHAHAHA!
after all the procedures.. it was cancelled.. cos she didnt get the papers signed..
WOOHOOO~ mom and dad bought a new bed for me.. shifting it up the stairs broke my back..
and i cant imagine abt the assembling parts..
ALRIGHT! it's time for me to hit the sacks!
early rest today
iloveyou❤ at 3:33 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
YEEEEHA!!! 1st time blogging.. =.=
actually.. it's 2nd time.. haha
the 1st wat tat damned bloody social studies blog.. =.=
alright.. today was really angered..
it was a long story..
but THANK GOD everything was over =D
dear, next time i must be the 1st to know wat you're going through..
don look for other solution!
i wanna be the 1st to know..
i'm ur bf after all =D
Labels: iloveyou
iloveyou❤ at 11:55 PM